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Asset 2
IHT-BR_post-budget_asset 2

Inheritance Tax and Business Relief planning
in a post-budget environment

9:30am-10am: Registration, welcome refreshments and networking

10am-12pm: Presentations

12pm: Lunch

Join us for 2 hours CPD and a delicious lunch!

Inheritance Tax (IHT) and Business Relief (BR) have been hitting headlines since the Autumn budget, including record-level IHT receipts. Our events will help financial advisers and paraplanners around the UK successfully navigate the change.

Our Business Development Manager experts will break down the new BR rules, showing worked tax examples of different client scenarios and guiding you through how things have changed. Real hands-on, practical content.

Our Investment Team will show how we identify potential trading activities in our IHT portfolios, build diversification through a dynamic asset allocation strategy, manage risk and create stable returns that meet investor objectives. A chance to speak directly to the Investment Team and understand how it works behind the scenes.

You'll leave these events confident in your knowledge of how Business Relief rules apply to your clients, and armed with multiple tools to use with clients - including videos, guides and more. 

We’re keen for the event to be as engaging as possible, so feel free to send us questions in advance to and we will be sure to factor them into the sessions.

This event is designed for financial advisers or paraplanners and will be eligible for structured CPD should you consider this relevant to your professional development needs.